I'm suppose to look puzzled, not angry!

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I have a book to publish. Editors love it, marketing departments say 'up the media profile'. So here I am 'upping it' and writing about the book, food, and life in general.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Goodbye Lifebites. Hello gillwatson.co.uk

It's time to move over to http://www.gillwatson.co.uk/blog/ .  Please be very lovely and add your e mail address to follow me because I'm not allowed to transfer you over myself.

Before I go I thought I should mention that Prue Leith said my book, EATING MY WORDS sounds brilliant and she has agreed to take a look at it.  Hopefully she will feel compelled to give it an endorsement.

One reason I am so keen on Prue is that she heads all sorts of charities and committees to encourage better school meals for kids.  As you all know I've been working with Grassroots to try to somehow get food into schools to supplement packed lunches.  There are too many kids arriving at school with nothing more than a slice of bread or a couple of biscuits to eat.

What we really need is a campaign for FREE SCHOOL MEALS FOR ALL CHILDREN.

I have a dream of Prue heading my campaign.  She could call on TV bosses to ban all food programmes on television until governement policy is changed to give all our children  free school lunches.

Before I go, I'll leave you with the photos I took in Burnley Tesco's the other night.  This is just part of the food in the bakery section that's dumped every night.  Bread, pastries, cakes.  They can't even use it for animal feed anymore just in case a horse throws up and Tesco are sued.

I think it's time for a change here.  All this could have been put in the school freezer for the starving school kids.


  1. we are lucky that Warburtons donate bread to some schools in Burnley including ours for Breakfast Clubs! Big supermarkets take note ...

  2. We found about this waste years ago when we got our first allotment (1989) and read the Rodale Book of Composting. Went to Asda and asked for waste greenery - we were thinking things like cauliflower trimmings - we were given a huge sack full of all kinds of good things including loads of fresh fruit. I was running a couple of classes for the over-60s at the time, and kept them supplied with fruit for weeks, until someone at Asda stopped it.
